LGBTQIA+ Therapist
Your experience is unique. Your support should be too.
Texas | Colorado | florida
As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, you have a unique story to tell.
Each person’s journey to identifying and living out their true identity is different. Many times, that journey comes with its fair share of challenges:
Past trauma (anything that happened to you too fast, too soon, or too much)
Establishing fulfilling relationships
Navigating religious or cultural communities
Living amidst family dynamics that make it difficult to be your true self
Experiencing homophobia, transphobia, or gender-role stereotyping
You don’t have to accept these things as “no big deal” or “just part of being queer.”
LGBTQIA+ therapy provides the space, support, and connection you need to find fulfillment in yourself, your relationships, and your life.
As therapists experienced in working with the gay, transgender, and queer community, we understand that there are issues you face that cis folx do not. You might experience pressure to be outspoken or involved in the LGBTQIA+ community, but don’t feel like you fit the “mold” that’s expected of you or are afraid to do the "wrong" thing when attempting to support the community. Maybe you’re having trouble cultivating intimate relationships or feeling frustrated with the way your current relationship is going. Or maybe the challenges are at work: feeling like you have to maintain two separate identities—one personal and one professional. You may even be a parent or loved one looking for guidance on how to best support or be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Whatever it is that you’re facing, this is a safe, nonjudgmental place to explore what you’re feeling and how you want your future to look.
Things we can work on together:
Processing past trauma or discrimination
Identifying your values (what truly matters to you in life?)
Making connections in the LGBTQIA+ community
Navigating family stressors
Finding fulfilling romantic relationships
Improving intimacy and communication
Embodying your unique identity
How to best support your child or loved one who is in transition or questioning their own identity
...or anything else that’s holding you back from the peace and fulfillment you deserve.
Are you an LGBTQIA+ person who is also a member of the BIPOC community or struggling with anxiety, big life changes, or job stress?
We’re here to help with that too.